Reiki for fertility, pregnancy, birth, loss and postpartum. To honor and bless a woman through all of the special transitions of life.

Reiki: Healing with the Universal Life Force

Reiki is the art of channeling the Universal Life Force by an attuned practitioner to assist with emotional, energetic, and physical healing and wellness. I think we could all benefit from some of that!


Reiki for menstruality, fertility, pregnancy, birth, loss & postpartum (and anything else)

Reiki is a gentle, relaxing mode of healing facilitated by an attuned practitioner. If you are seeking a new expression of menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, birth or postpartum, Reiki is a safe way to access your body's innate potential for self-healing.

Don't know if you need healing? Here are some reasons you may want energy healing:

  • You are seeking holistic approaches to physically healing any menstruation, fertility, pregnancy or postpartum condition

  • You have been trying to get pregnant and you're not sure why you can't

  • You have experienced pregnancy loss and wish to heal this energy

  • You experienced a traumatic birth and wish to heal

  • You would like integration of the birth experience and transition to parenthood

As a person who has a rich experience with struggling with sleep and managing stress, my reiki session with Dawn was truly helpful and filled me with a tremendous sense of hope, inner-peace, and well-being.   After my session with Dawn, I noticed feeling more relaxed and a marked improvement in my quality of sleep the first few nights following my session. Toward the end of our session, I also discovered the benefits of incorporating easy-to-use practices that I can do with my child to support our sleep routines such as breathing and vocalizing to prepare our minds and bodies for rest. Overall, I look forward to continuing my wellness  journey through incorporating some of the breathing and vocal strategies she shared with me toward the end of our time together and incorporating Reiki into my wellness regimen.
— Damie: Mother & DisAbility Activist

What to expect in a Reiki session with Dawn

For in-person reiki, your session will take place on a reiki/massage table where you will lie down with pillows and blankets and relax. We will set an intention before the session and you may ask questions of your Higher Self or spirit helpers. The majority of the session is done silently. While reiki is called “hands-on healing” there is generally no touching involved. Rather, my hands hover a few inches away from your body within your energy field. When finished, I will guide you back to the present where we can process any emotions, thoughts or insights you may have experienced. And don’t worry if “nothing happens” while you rest, plenty of work is being done in the subconscious and energy fields.

For a virtual session, (called “distance reiki.”) we will connect via Zoom. You will need a place where you can relax quietly and uninterrupted (like your bed). We will set an intention before the session and you may ask questions of your Higher Self or spirit helpers. While you rest, I will send reiki via an “avatar”. When finished, I will guide you back to the present where we can process any emotions, thoughts or insights you may have experienced. And don’t worry if “nothing happens” while you rest, plenty of work is being done in the subconscious and energy fields.

Sessions are 60 minutes.