
Looking for an affirming way to prepare for birth?

I'm super excited to share a thing with you that I've been creating these last few days!

You probably know that I love watercolor painting, so that's what got this train going. A friend of mine handed me a stack of birth affirmations painted in brush lettering script with some flowery things nearby. And I thought, I can make those. And better! With better affirmations!

So I started painting words. And then I started painting tiny little watercolor vulvas with gold and intense pink. You may have seen those on Instagram.

But I also thought, these need to be in multiple forms, accessible through many mediums. And some part of them needs to be free for everyone.

So then I RECORDED birth affirmations. The kind of thing you listen to while you're just dropping off to sleep (ie. in a very suggestible, liminal space, a little bit like hypnosis).

I present to you a set of 5 birth mantras, each accompanied by a description of how to use it or some more information about its meaning, and a 2-3 minute audio birth affirmation. The mantra is short and simple. You can say it over and over and over. The affirmation takes you deeper into the possibilities behind the mantra.

Then, if you find that any part of the mantra or affirmation is triggering, you can start to seek support so that it begins to feel true to you. If there is a part that simply doesn’t feel in alignment with you, adjust it to work for you.

It is possible that there are ideas, or parts that you feel like you WISH felt true, but you're not quite there yet. Or its possible that something triggers fear or anxiety in you. While that's uncomfortable, its great to know these things ahead of time. You get to get curious about those triggers and work through your reactions.

How? Meditate, journal, talk to your best (supportive) friend. Get support (yes, I can help you with this). Keep listening to the affirmations and you might hear just one phrase that shifts your whole perspective on all of it!

Remember, you birth the way you live, so allow the affirmations to seep into your daily life and for them to become part of you.


Looking for a positive way to prepare for birth?

Download my set of audio affirmations that will prime you for an intuitive and blissful birth experience.

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