Birth Doula
Your birth is a sacred experience that will take you to the brink of your capacity. If you let it, birth will break you open to a new experience of love and power. I want to hold this container for you.
As a DONA-trained birth doula, I bring the professional knowledge of one of the world's most respected doula organizations. However, my services extend far beyond the tenets of physical support for labor.
Creativity, birth and motherhood can be spiritual practices that give you access to wild power! We all have access to this power, but you may need to be reminded of how to hold and direct the influx of energy. You can learn to embody this power through breath, movement and meditation to tune down the logical, rational mind and move into a space of quiet stillness. Choosing your care providers, support team and birthing location with this in mind will help facilitate a birth experience that is Divine.
Birth Doula Services
As your Birth Doula, I will:
Assist you in preparing for and carrying out your plans for a your birth, while honoring any spiritual or religious traditions you carry
Stay with you throughout your labor, beginning at your home if you choose, and moving with you to where you've chosen to birth
Suggest comfort measures, labor positions and movement
Facilitate your experience of moving inward through breath techniques, visualization, positive affirmations and/or guided meditation as you prefer
Facilitate your partner's participation at their comfort level and collaborate with the rest of your birth team
Assist you in your transition to becoming a (new) parent
In addition to being a trained birth doula, I bring a holistic approach and knowledge from many areas of expertise to support a spiritual, embodied and powerful birth experience.
Why choose Dawn for your birth support:
Trauma-Informed, E-RYT200 and Registered Perinatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT): I bring the depth of mind-body-spirit understanding to the experience of birth
Reiki Master Teacher and Reiki for Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth, Loss and Postpartum: I will hold the energetic space of birth
Vaginal Steam Practitioner: I am trained in supporting physiological birth through traditional practices
MotherCircle Facilitator: Training with Kimberly Johnson helps me support birth from a somatic, nervous system level
Birth Doula Services Include:
2, 60-90 minute prenatal sessions
At our first meeting, we’ll review the stages of labor and practice coping techniques, labor/birth positions, breathing and visualizations.
At our second meeting, I will help you write and be able to articulate your preferences for labor, birth, and newborn care.
Continuous Labor Support
I will be available 24/7 by phone or text from 38 weeks until the birth. Phone, text and email support is available at reasonable hours before 38 weeks. If you’re certain labor has begun before 38 weeks, please contact me immediately.
Please allow for up to one hour between calling me and my arrival at your birthing location (longer if attending outside of Greensboro).
I can join you at home or at the birthing location and will support you (and help your partner support you); can suggest techniques for pain relief; will help you find comfortable positions; am able to answer questions about the labor process.
I will stay with you for 1-2 hours after birth to make space for the initial bonding, breast feeding (if desired) and recovery in the post-natal room.
1 Postpartum Meeting
Once you and your new family are settled in at home, I will make a final visit (2 hours) to help you to process your birth and assist with any concerns at home.
Have you heard what we as mothers are capable of: nurturing, intuitive, selfless, boundlessly loving women!? What incredible super-humans we mothers are! Except when this description does not fit how we actually feel.