Join us for a 4-week ONLINE childbirth education course
In this class you will learn:
How to feel safe and held in any location that labor and birth take place
Practical tools for comfort, safety and ease through labor
Just enough about the process of birth for you to trust birth. To trust pregnancy. To trust your body. To trust your intuition
The innate wildness inherent in your pregnant and birthing body. This wildness is what makes birth something that we were literally born to do. Not in the way that it is your destiny or duty as a person with a uterus, but in a way that is physiologically inherent to your anatomy.
The ways that being civilized, socialized humans impacts the natural blueprint of birth. And what you can do about that!
Tools and practices to embody your inherited power as a birthing person
The psychological shift in consciousness that occurs in labor and how to practice being in this numinous state
The phases of initiation that are inherent in birth and how to use those phases for an evolutionary experience
How to live your birth plan every day
In this class you will:
Learn the basics of birth physiology and anatomy
Practice tools for moving through labor, birth and the first few hours of bonding
Understand how your nervous system works during labor and birth
Connect with your intuition and deepen your sense of Self
Prepare yourself for shifts of consciousness needed in birth and mothering
Class is 4 weeks of 3-hr classes. We will meet Thursdays starting May 23 at 12noon ET
May 23, May 30, June 6, June 13