Birth + Motherhood | Ceremony + Community | Birth Trauma Repair | Art
I want you to experience the transformative power of birth and be guided by the spiritual practice that is motherhood.
Birth changes us. Unfortunately, there is too much trauma in birth today! It is as unnecessary as it is pervasive. And the harms ripple out through society. I want your birth to be different, to transform you in an empowering way. But being moved means we must be curious, we must be available to being changed, and we need to be supported through every step of the process. Birth is an undoing. The integration - the putting back together in a new way - must come in and through community.
Sacred Rhythms could be that community for you.
Are you ready to claim your power through birth?
Join us in yoga class, circle, ceremony or for a private session.
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Check out this video recorded in April 2019 with my friend and fellow doula Amelia Mattock as part of her Lunch ‘N Learn video series. Thanks Amelia!