Embodied Initiations

Insights and observations on the sacred nature of fertility, pregnancy, birth, loss and motherhood

Birth Dawn Leonard Birth Dawn Leonard

My Two Births

I’ve never fully told the birth story of my first son, and the birth story of my second son is remarkably similar. In these stories I find myself embodying both the spacious, opening, gentle and fully nurturing sort of goddess and at the same time the fierce, ego-killing, hair-raising and bloody warrior kind of goddess as well.

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Fertility, Reiki, Yoga Dawn Leonard Fertility, Reiki, Yoga Dawn Leonard

Connecting with the Body at the Second Chakra

Svadhistana Chakra (the second chakra or Sacral Chakra) energy is that of sexuality, sensuality, creativity, fertility, power and money. Therefore an energetic imbalance in our lives relating to sex, power, money or creativity may manifest as disease or illness within the pelvis, reproductive organs or the menstrual cycle.

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Yoga, Motherhood, Prenatal Dawn Leonard Yoga, Motherhood, Prenatal Dawn Leonard

Yoga for First Trimester Fatigue

The first trimester of pregnancy is notorious for "morning sickness." While anyone who has been pregnant knows that the sickness is not contained to the morning, you may also be aware that there are many other symptoms in the first trimester that we also have to contend with, one of the other tough ones is fatigue. All-encompassing fatigue!

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Yoga, Fertility Dawn Leonard Yoga, Fertility Dawn Leonard

Learn Headstand

As promised, here is the follow-up post and video to "Learn Shoulderstand." Today I will show you how to safely prepare and move into headstand or Sirsasana. As discussed earlier, a yoga practice includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits.

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Yoga, Fertility Dawn Leonard Yoga, Fertility Dawn Leonard

Learn Shoulderstand

A yoga practice has many benefits including physical health, emotional balance and a spiritual connection with a source of power greater than ourselves. In the western world, we tend to focus on the physical health benefits such as strong muscles and endurance. In the sequence below, you will learn the step-by-step practice of shoulderstand with me.

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