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Community Mother Blessing Ceremony

A celebration to honor and support the transition to motherhood

We know that birth is a Rite of Passage. We feel it in our bones that this is true.

Even if we have not experienced birth, we know that mothers are transformed by the experience. But we don't see that acknowledgement from our communities or society at large.

Ceremony is one way that we can honor a rite of passage.

In America, the celebrations around birth center the baby and consumerism. But it is the Mother that needs to be honored!

This event is hosted by Sacred Spiral Holistics in collaboration with Sacred Rhythms and Theia Birth Keeping.

This is a collaborative opportunity to be seen, heard, held, and uplifted. It is a gathering for expecting families and their closest support people. We will come together in community to share nourishing foods, storytelling, fear vocalization and release, creating birth art, and other unifying and empowering activities to prepare for the journey into labor, birth, and the fourth trimester.

August 27th, 3-7pm | private address disclosed upon registration

What you will receive

After a nourishing meal and informal conversation, we will open the circle. We will move through story telling, birth art creation, fear-releasing, gentle breath work and movement, and ritual practices of weaving the community strands together.

There are special bonds that can be created in pregnancy that may carry you through motherhood. This is an opportunity to create those connections.

Your investment

Suggested donation of $55 for each pregnant person and their partner/support person. If additional support people join, we ask that they contribute in some way - monetary, food contribution, help with setting up/breaking down, bringing flowers, tending to children present.

Volunteers are encouraged: for food contribution, holding space, making art, wisdom and story sharing, tending to children, cleaning up.