Learn Shoulderstand

Learn Shoulderstand

A yoga practice has many benefits including physical health, emotional balance and a spiritual connection with a source of power greater than ourselves. In the western world, we tend to focus on the physical health benefits such as strong muscles and endurance. In the sequence below, you will learn the step-by-step practice of shoulderstand with me.

What Does Reiki Have to Do With Birth?

What Does Reiki Have to Do With Birth?

what is Reiki? Reiki is the universal life energy that flows through each of us. Traditionally it is a hands-on healing technique where the practitioner channels the energy into the client for physical or energetic healing.

Yoga for the Full Moon Phase of Motherhood

Yoga for the Full Moon Phase of Motherhood

Yoga has been an integral tool for me during all stages of motherhood including conscious conception when we tried for about a year and a half to get pregnant, through my quite comfortable pregnancy, especially in labor and birth, and is an ever-evolving tool as a mother.

Short Prenatal or Postnatal Yoga Sequence

Short Prenatal or Postnatal Yoga Sequence

I would like to say thank you to Gabriela Spang for inspiring my to record more videos. So here's the first one. It doesn't have very high production value, but I hope that it gives you a little bit of inspiration for your own home practice, or as a brief intro to yoga if you've never attended a class. Then, when you are ready, you can join us in Prenatal Yoga on Wednesday evenings at Magnolia Birth Center. Thanks for watching.

Blessing Ceremonies

Blessing Ceremonies

I love doing ceremony! Which is funny because a few years ago, I kind of hated the rote following of the leader aspects of ritual and ceremony. But then I was introduced to ceremonies and rituals that actually had meaning for me, and after developing a habit of performing rituals, I came to love the intent and purposeful actions.